Communication to Parents and Families 5-1-20 We hope this communication finds you and your families safe and healthy.
Comunicacion a Padres y Familias 5-1-20 Esperamos que esta comunicación lo encuentre a usted y a sus familias seguros y saludables.
Class of 2020 Communication At this time of year, our high schools would normally be engaged in planning for the 12th grade graduation and all of the student activities that support our graduates.
Comunicacion a la Clase de 2020 En esta época del año, nuestras escuelas preparatorias normalmente estarían involucradas en la planificación de la del 12° grado y todas las actividades estudiantiles que apoyan a nuestros graduados.
Communication to Parents and Families 4-24-20 We would like to first extend our deep gratitude to all of you on the front lines, whether in health care or other essential work, you are our heroes.
Comunicacion a Padres y Familias 4-24-20 Primero queremos extender nuestro profundo agradecimiento a todos ustedes en la primera línea, ya sea en el cuidado de la salud u otro trabajo esencial, ustedes son nuestros héroes.
Inglewood Unified School District Board Meetings LIVE VIDEO STREAMING -In an effort to abide by the Safer at Home Order and socialdistancing guidelines, Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) County Administrator and Board of Education Meetings will take p lace in a virtual setting (via YouTube Livestream).
Spectrum Internet Services The Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) closed its school buildings effective March 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 health event. The closure has been extended until the end of the school year as a result of the escalating health risks associated with the virus.
Servicios de Internet - Spectrum El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Inglewood (IUSD) cerró sus edificios escolares a partir del 16 de marzo del 2020 en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19. El cierre se ha extendido hasta el final del año escolar como resultado del aumento de los riesgos de salud asociados con el virus.
Communication to Parents and Families 4-17-20 On behalf of the entire Inglewood Unified School District family, I hope that you and your family enjoyed Spring Break by spending quality time with loved ones and creating opportunities for self-care.